Sava Therapies operates under ABN 46 922 424 225. Access to Sava Therapies activities is by payment and subject to Sava Therapies discretion. By participating in any Sava Therapies activity you accept the rules and regulations including participating in a safe manner.
The Sava Therapies activities, whilst care is taken, are not without risk which I/we accept, and in turn indemnify in full, on a solicitor and client basis, Sava Therapies, it’s Directors, employees, contractors, instructors, agents and nominees against all liabilities, damages and costs arising from Sava Therapies activities. This includes but is not limited to, liabilities arising from any cause such as negligence, contract, statute including the Civil Liability Act 2002, tortious or common law for any injury, death, loss, property damage or expense arising out of or sustained to me or I cause or my Minor causes, in the course of my or my Minor’s participation in the activities and programs offered by Sava Therapies, both on and off of the Sava Therapies premises or in relation to any activities, including to any party. Such activities include yoga, massage, meditation, classes, psychotherapy or counselling. I agree that Sava Therapies is not responsible in the event of loss, damage, unauthorised use, theft or injury resulting from and to any personal property that my Minor or I bring onto or undertake on the premises. I also confirm that my or my Minor’s health is sufficient, and has no illness, injury or ailments which will prevent participation in Sava Therapies activities in a safe manner without risk to me or the Minor or others.
Rules for Yoga Classes and Radiant YinThai Massage:
I understand that the yoga classes taught by the instructor are only a guideline & it is my responsibility to ensure that I am physically and mentally fit enough to follow the guidelines and instructions regarding the activity.
I acknowledge that yoga is a physical and dynamic practice that requires mental & physical focus in order to avoid potential injury & I agree to work within my physical limits in each pose, thus, in no way do I hold the instructor responsible for any injury or soreness acquired while undertaking yoga activities.
I hereby commit that the information that I have provided is accurate and fully reveals the nature of my state of health as of the date of this document.
Please note: classes and passes are non-refundable, non-transferrable, cannot be shared. Extensions and suspensions may be granted–contact management for more details. Payment for classes and massage may be made prior to service or immediately after service via card payment or bank transfer.
Cancellations: if you are unable to make it to a class that you have booked into, please cancel your booking ASAP to allow other students to book into the class.
Rules for Counselling and Psychotherapy:
Counselling Approach
We believe that our clients have the desire and the capacity to grow towards fulfilling their true potential, and that they are the experts on their own lives. As such, we will not give you advice or offer solutions, but will work with you to help you understand yourself more fully and to find your own ideas and answers. We will also help you develop skills and strategies to help you make positive changes. With greater self-awareness and trust in yourself, we hope that you will be able to make constructive changes, leading to a more satisfying and meaningful life. If you have service needs beyond our practice scope, we will endeavour to help you identify appropriate referral options.
Sessions and Payments
Sessions run for 45-50 minutes for adults, or 30-45 minutes for children and teenagers.
Payments are through automated card payments or bank transfer.
To help you leave our sessions feeling lighter and with one less worry, we ask that you automate payments so we can process it after our session. Alternatively, we ask that you pay for your session in advance via bank transfer and have proof of payment ready for your session. We can not proceed with a scheduled session unless payment has been made, or prior arrangements have been discussed.
Please call or email to reschedule or cancel sessions. If you cancel a session within 24 hours, you arrive later than 15 minutes than our agreed start time, or you do not show up, the session will be considered redeemed and will require full payment. Cancellations and appointment changes made with at least 48 hours notice will not incur a fee.
General Conditions
Consent to Liaise with a Third Party
On occasion, we may ask you for your consent to communicate with third parties provided by you for the purpose of treatment.
Contact Between Sessions
Email or telephone contact will be limited to practical arrangements only, such as booking or altering session times. If you are faced with an emergency in between sessions, please contact the appropriate emergency service. In a life threatening situation, call 000 without delay.
Ending Services
In general, we end by mutual agreement. However, you have the right to end your service at any time. We would appreciate you letting us know if you decide not to return.
In general, the information that you share with us will remain confidential. This means that we must protect your privacy and not share information about you with others. Your information cannot be accessed without your written consent.
It is important that you understand, however, that there are certain circumstances under which we will share information about you or about what you have told us. These situations are:
• Where you have explicitly given us permission to share information, such as informing your emergency contact of an emergency situation or when you have signed your permission for a referral.
• Where we consider you to be at risk of harming yourself or someone else.
• Where we consider a child to be at risk.
• In some cases where a significant crime may be or has been committed.
• Where your records, or part thereof, have been requested by a court of law.